Australian Pastel Artist

Creation date : 11/11/2021
Modification date : 11/11/2021
  • Location: Graz, Austria
Australian Pastel Artist

Keturah is an artist from Australia, who for the past two years has been travelling and painting in Europe. She grew up in nature and by the ocean and has always found a way of expressing herself creatively. Whilst she has had no formal training in painting, she has found mentors along the way to guide her, as she finds her own style and path. The main medium she creates in is soft pastels, however she also works in acrylic for larger murals. Her interest in investigating the human form, particularly the feminine, is often combined with nature and colours, through which she hopes to uplift the and inspire the soul.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : An original art work or painting lessons, whatever is preferred.
Description environment are you looking for ( nature, urban, other…) : I am most inspired in nature, however I also find urban life interesting. So I am open to the environment.
Describe your projects for a residence : Looking for a space to focus on creating a series of gods and goddess like paintings I am currently working on, a personal project which I hope to turn into oracle cards for guidance and inspiration in the future.
Description of the type of workspace needed (office, studio, rehearsal space…) : A studio or room, I don’t need heaps of space and I can pretty much create from anywhere as long as its relatively peaceful, clear and uninterrupted.

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