Artist looking for a Mediterranean studio

Creation date : 16/07/2022
Modification date : 17/07/2022
  • Location: Les Lilas, France
Artist looking for a Mediterranean studio

Born by the sea, very early on I had what I call “the landscape experience”. That is to say, living the landscape as an extension of being. My paintings, drawings and videos show this ambiguity and this vertigo. Through my work on the landscape, both environment and reflection of a subjectivity, I try to paint the ephemeral, the moving, crossed by time, modified by the environment. This year I am looking for a Mediterranean place to immerse myself in sensations known a long time ago, to join and paint this place called childhood. I hope to have the opportunity to meet the person(s) who will help me carry out this project. I look forward to being able to discuss and share about their ecosystem, their concerns, and Art in all its forms.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : I offer a workshop "draw music". 2 to 3 hours where participants will be invited to draw what they hear, rhythm, voice, superposition of instruments, intensity, fragility... In charcoal, pastel. I also offer a video mapping initiation workshop, lasting 3 to 4 hours, where participants will create pictorial materials (engravings, gouaches) which will be scanned in order to become digital material. In a second step we will create together small digital animation loops with dedicated software such as after effects. At the end of the initiation, a film integrating the elements created during the day will be projected on a wall, or any other environment.
Description environment are you looking for ( nature, urban, other…) : nature, urban or otherwise, but on the shores of the Mediterranean.
Describe your projects for a residence : 1 month or more, or sessions of one or two weeks in the year in a spaced out manner.
Professional website :
Description of the type of workspace needed (office, studio, rehearsal space…) : Bright studio, if possible of at least 25 m2, not afraid of being dirty with paint. Accommodation in the same place, with a bedroom + private bathroom and private toilets. Access to a kitchen.

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