Elina is going to the trip…

Creation date : 08/05/2017
Modification date : 19/03/2018
  • Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Elina is going to the trip…

“Elina is going to the trip…” is collaborative project between Tereza Obsivacova and Katerina Svitakova. Both of artists have deciced to travell around Europe during the summer 2017 and they are expecting finding a lots of inspiration during this journey.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : We can offer to you original drawings or paintings but also painting/drawing workshop as well. It depends on you what you want!
Description environment are you looking for ( nature, urban, other…) : We have no specific criterias for enviroment. It is important to discover various places for this project.
Describe your projects for a residence : Elina is going for a trip. Elina is going for a trip and she is not afraid at all. Elina is going for a trip and she is getting to know new places, such as mountains, fields, seas, islands, jungles and forests. Elina is going for a trip and she is becoming smarter and smarter. Elina is going for a trip and she knows that it is not for last time. Elina is going for a trip again and again! This project is dedicated to children. The result will be a children book. The main hero of the book is a dog called Elina, who travels all around the world. For both artists travelling is really important. We, Tereza and Kateřina, see travelling as our main source of inspiration. Together we visited several countries, including Iceland, Ireland, Poland, Scotland, The Netherlands, and Germany. Our main goal of the residency would be to find a new, significant perspective, and to move our project within the different cultural and geographical background. We aim to meet local people, to get to know new exotic places, and to confront and relate our project with local surroundings. The book is based on its visuality, consisting of photographs of landscape, drawings, paintings and collages. We are convinced that the visual language is understood and comprehensed by children all around the world. Our residency at Egon Schiele Art Centrum, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic, which we got funded for by Ministry of culture of the Czech Republic, is taking place in November and December 2017.
Description of the type of workspace needed (office, studio, rehearsal space…) : This project will be developed later so we are going to work on small size drawings, paintings and collages. So we do not need any special spaces.

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