Art residency in Dubai

Creation date : 24/11/2023
Modification date : 29/11/2023
  • Location: Menton, France
Art residency in Dubai

I am a French underwater Art photographer between Monaco and Saint-Tropez and I plan to experiment an artistic residency of 3 weeks maximum in the heart of Dubai to export my artistic services mainly with pregnant women in Dubai but also young married couples, artists, sportsmen and all those wishing to offer themselves an artistic adventure in zero gravity and an unforgettable sensorial experience.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : I am ready to exchange the proposed home for one or more photography sessions for the owner and his family. Depending on the success of my artistic performances with my clientele, I will obviously be able to start participating in the rent.
Description environment are you looking for ( nature, urban, other…) : Any place well located in the heart of Dubai with if possible an adjoining pool to photograph my models who do not have their own private pool.
Describe your projects for a residence : I would like to set up a recurrence of this artistic residency every 4 or 6 months to allow a greater number of pregnant women in their last 2 months of pregnancy to be able to enjoy in Dubai beyond the artistic aspect of the photo shoot, to also be able to enjoy and live a real moment of well-being in aquatic weightlessness.
Professional website :
Description of the type of workspace needed (office, studio, rehearsal space…) : My only space of artistic expression is a pool with ideally a minimum depth of 1m80. (6ft)

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