Artists who stimulate the brain Suo.

Date de publication : 26/09/2023
Date de modification : 26/09/2023
  • Emplacement: funabashish, Japon
Artists who stimulate the brain Suo.

Hello. I am Suo, a painter. I like psychology and brain science and I read a lot. And one day, I learnt this shocking thing. It turns out that the area of the brain that perceives beauty is the same as the area of ethics and morals.

For example, it has been shown that crime rates also fall in parks with and without fountains. It has also been found that bicycle thefts and snatch-and-grabs in front of train stations also disappear when there are flowerbeds.

When we see something and feel that it is beautiful, our brain responds. And this cannot be stopped. There are many things in the world that are disturbing, but seeing something beautiful may dissuade you.

My artwork is designed to stimulate the brain.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : art
Description du lieu recherché (nature, urbain, autre) : 自然があり、歴史的な建造物、宮殿やヴィラなどが望ましいです。
Quels sont vos projets de résidence ? : 美しい環境で、刺激を受ける。新しい作品を制作すること。
Description du type d’espace de travail souhaité (bureau, atelier, salle de répétition…) :

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