Arts and crafts

Date de publication : 09/10/2022
Date de modification : 10/10/2022
  • Emplacement: Verdoyante , Portugal
Arts and crafts

I strongly believe in knowledge you gain trough DIY, in problem-solving through making. Working on different scales and materials is crucial as it pushes me to analyze and conceptualize a project from different perspectives and consider alternatives. More than anything, it is important to me to surround myself with objects that possess a certain fragility or to use materials with a story to focus on more imagination and less on consumption.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : Upholstered seat or chair
Description du lieu recherché (nature, urbain, autre) : Careful meditation between architecture and nature
Quels sont vos projets de résidence ? : Landeau XXL
Site web personnel :
Site web professionnel :
Description du type d’espace de travail souhaité (bureau, atelier, salle de répétition…) : Poetic open space with a lot of light and close to nature.

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