Dance space

Date de publication : 19/09/2019
Date de modification : 19/09/2019
  • Emplacement: Malmö, Suède
Dance space

Hi! My name is Nidia Martínez Barbieri, I am an Argentinean – Italian Contemporary dancer, based in Malmö, Sweden, since 2013. I lived in Brussels from 2011 to 2013. I am 42 years old and I work with dance since 2000.
I work with Contemporary Dance as a dancer, choreographer and teacher. I am as well Pilates instructor. I also dance Argentinean Tango.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : I can offer as exchange lessons in all those things that I work with: Contemporary dance, Pilates, and Argentinean Tango. Or I can do a dance performance. I do also know folkloric Argentine dances, in couples or in groups, specially fun for celebrations and parties. I am member of Nya Rörelsen koreografer i Skåne, a collective of choreographers that got access for working space and a cultural centre with many different rooms and possibilities in Lund, Sweden. I can offer as exchange the possibility of host a residence also at that place (Stenkrossen). I attach some pictures.
Description du lieu recherché (nature, urbain, autre) : I am open to meet any new place.
Quels sont vos projets de résidence ? : Since I moved to Sweden I am mostly working locally and touring nationally, so now I am interested in to travel around. I would like to find residences in many different formats: It can be working space to write, big studios to move, or comfortables places to read. I am always in creative process to those 3 things are always needed to be done. If the space is to be shared with the hosting or other artists is totally fine, even more interesting because I am interested in to meet people and interact, artistically and humanly. So a residence hosted by an artist is going to be interesting initiate a conversation that can maybe be in a future a project, and to be hosted by a person not dedicate to art but with possibility of exchange ideas is also interesting for me. I am interesting in to develop projects in collaboration with local an international partners, to run an Europe project for instance. I have being collaborating in the organisation of A festival (Festival Puentes) in Brussels, organised by the Argentina Embassy and I organised the Skillinge Dans och Tango festival in 2017 (Skillinge Dance and Tango festival). My dream is to run a dance festival in Malmö. I am member of Nya Rörelsen koreografer i Skåne, a collective of choreographers that got access for working space and a cultural centre with many different rooms and possibilities in Lund, Sweden. I can offer as exchange the possibility of host a residence also at that place (Stenkrossen). I attach some pictures.
Site web professionnel :
Description du type d’espace de travail souhaité (bureau, atelier, salle de répétition…) :

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