Date de publication : 10/01/2023
Date de modification : 10/01/2023
  • Emplacement: Paris, France

Hello, I’m a painter and we also run a small visuel arts gallery in Paris. (
I would like to visit my daughter one week (from 7th to 15th of April) n Austin, who is studying Biology in Texas University for 1 year. I’ve already been there and I love it 😉.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : I can give French lessons, of course ... Or learning how to swing ? (I'm a former competitive swimmer, a true mermaid, if you have a swimming pool 😉) I can also propose to host in return in my artist's studio in Paris, in a very arty place called " the Frigos " I can also give one of my painting or drawing in exchange, to thank, and I also have a beautiful and big renovated mill at the countryside, in the Aisne valley, in Picardy, at only one hour and half from Paris. And I can take care of you cat or animals when you won't be there (I'm particulary cat's lover 😉
Description du lieu recherché (nature, urbain, autre) : Urban aera : somewhere close from Barton Spring would be the best, but it's does't really matter, in fact, so much not far from the center and T.U
Quels sont vos projets de résidence ? : To go in Austin for 1 week or 2, to work, to swim and to see my daughter there Aller à Austin en avril passer 1 semaine ou 2 à travailler, nager, et voir ma fille là-bas 😉
Site web professionnel :
Description du type d’espace de travail souhaité (bureau, atelier, salle de répétition…) : A room with a single bed would be perfect, may be with also a little place where I can work on computer (I'm also a graphic artist)

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