Art-ivismes of Africa and Diasporas

Creation date : 29/10/2018
Modification date : 29/10/2018
  • Location: Brussels, Belgium
Art-ivismes of Africa and Diasporas

Good afternoon,
Dear Sweet Souls,

I am an independent journalist and decolonizing-cultural activist | curator. I have co-founded the Collectif Warrior Poets and published the book in Fresh together with Sarah Demart ‘Create in Postcolony 2010-15. Belgo-Congolese voices and dissidences’ (Ed. BOZAR/Africalia, 2016). I write write, among others, for Café Congo.

I am looking for a quiet room | studio at the sea or in the countryside to write a new projet on Art-ivismes of Africa and Diasporas. I would like to develop a reflection on how to create an open space for meeting and dialogue around the relationship between art and activism, especially politics. I would like to testimony how contemporary artists and its diasporas, reclaim the resistance and political struggles from yesterday to today.

The mediums of music (jam), visual (photos, cinema, videos), poetics (slam, urban expressions) will be privileged to question a youth in search of emancipation and existential renewal.

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : I can offer a writing coaching | workshop, a session of African literature, a poem or an article.
Description environment are you looking for ( nature, urban, other…) : I am a recent transplanted heart and am looking for a quiet room | studio at the sea or in the countryside. I am based in Brussels and ideally could take the train to the neighboring countries of Belgium (France, Italy, Switzerland, ...)
Describe your projects for a residence : - Mapping Afro artists & diasporas - selecting books and extracts - writing an article - creating a nomadic cultural project on Art-ivismes around the world (Brussels - Paris - Amsterdam - Berlin - Lisboa - Dakar - Miami - Port-au-Prince)
Personal website :
Description of the type of workspace needed (office, studio, rehearsal space…) : A quiet room | studio with the possibility to cook.

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