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  • Art Project In Australia.
    Art Project In Australia.
    Visual arts - Anywhere In Australia - 14/05/2016

    We are Thibaud Guichard and Nathalie Gelard, respectively born in 1985 and 1984, and compose together – h -, an artistic duo. We both studied at the School of Fine Arts in France and we had our Bachelor degree at the art school of Lorient. We also studied one year anthropology, art history and modern letters at the Lumière University in Lyon, France. Then Thibaud graduated a Fine Art MA at the Superior National Art School of Paris-Cergy(ENSAPC), while Nathalie gratuated a Bachelor’s degree in Film and Television Studies at Paris III Sorbonne-Nouvelle University. She finished her studies at the Freie Universität in Berlin, Germany. Each of us had a particular artistic approach before we decided to work together in 2015. Through our work, we are interested in the knowledges, we look for the meeting between various points of view, cultures and disciplines. We attempt to observe the reality, and explore its alternative stories. We question the writing of the History, and the way we live in a set of narratives produced by specialists which shape our vision of the world. We search, observe, treat, play with the data to question our time and the seeds of the possible future they contain. Trandisciplinarity is a real stake in our work and the installation is the way we use most to stage the abolition of the boundaries between domains of thought. The installation work allows us to produce lectures, collections, videos, and prints, among others.



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