landscape painter hoping to find new colours for paint making

Date de publication : 23/09/2021
Date de modification : 25/09/2021
  • Emplacement: isle of lewis, Royaume-Uni
landscape painter hoping to find new colours for paint making

Hello , I am a British painter who lives in the Western Isles of Scotland . I paint landscapes and love to make my own colours sourced from the landscape itself . I am always interested in finding inspiration in different surroundings and would also like to broaden my collection of earth pigments . I would like to find a place where the possibility of painting with oils during my stay would be acceptable

Propositions artistiques en échange de la résidence (oeuvres, cours, ateliers, dîner, concert...) : I would be happy to exchange an original artwork for the residence
Description du lieu recherché (nature, urbain, autre) : I am particularly drawn to the sea , we live on an island so the water features heavily in my work. I would also like to find a residence amongst the trees , a forest setting or similar would be lovely , we have few trees here on the islands .
Quels sont vos projets de résidence ? : I would like to source coloured pigments for use in paintings made whilst on the residence
Site web professionnel :
Description du type d’espace de travail souhaité (bureau, atelier, salle de répétition…) : I would need a studio space or similar from which to paint

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